Tuesday 2 October 2012

Grilled Paneer with Tomato Chutney-A twist

Cooking is a passion as well as a hobby for me. When i cook its because i either want to de-stress or because i am too hungry. But most times when i cook because i am hungry it results in me feeling too full even before i have a single bite of whatever i cooked. That's the power of food;-)
On this particular evening i was feeling very hungry and wanted to try something new(I got a new book of recipes from one of my cousins). I decided to try one particular recipe that caught my attention-Grilled paneer with Tomato chutney. I started off deciding to follow the recipe by the book and succeeded to an extent but then disaster almost struck. The chutney went completely wrong. That is when i decided to give it my own personal twist. I had no idea of how it was going to end up but once i started off i could not stop. So I continued making small changes to the recipe. The one thing i always do after I cook something is make someone else taste it. I never taste anything I make unless and until someone else has already tasted it. Well on this fateful day, my twist to the original came out pretty well, everyone liked the taste of it even thought it was pretty different. That is what i call luck. Of course by the time i finished cooking I was feeling quite full and could not eat as much as I hoped but that is a totally different matter, don't you agree?

Friday 1 June 2012


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the things you think you cannot do-Eleanor Roosevelt      

Everyone at some point of their vast or short lifetime(which ever you find most apt) have had to face a situation wherein one comes face to face with ones fears.These fears maybe something small or the greatest fear of a person.In such a situation one usually tends to bow down to ones fears and by giving in accept defeat.It is when one stands up against the fear and try to overcome it rather than be overcome by it that one grows strong.The above saying by Eleanor Roosevelt tells us that when a person learns to face ones fears that is when he gains strenght, confidence and courage. When one does those tasks that one considers impossible then he will grow stronger mentally. A man who knows no fear is a fool but he who knows fear and does nothing to overcome it is a greater fool. He who knows fear and learns to face it is one who is worthy of being called a creation of God.