Saturday 4 May 2013

A lil bit of heaven

You are watching a movie, the plot is one you have seen a dozen times.The actor falls ill, is going to die, gets three wishes and voila she miraculously survives. Well when i started off watching 'A little bit of Heaven' I was expecting more of the same but the movie took me by surprise.
Yes, the actress does fall ill, she discovers that she has colon cancer and its in the last stages. There is the part where she reaches heaven and meets God, or whom she pictures God to resemble and predictably she is given three wishes. Then there are the parts where the two wishes she asks for come true and where she falls in love with her doctor, cliche i know. But as I continued to watch the movie I came to realize that the movie was also about those people closest to the actress, her parents, her friends and her lover, about their feelings and their emotions, about how each one has a different way to cope with thoughts of her death.
You would expect the actress to use her last wish to stay alive and there is a part in the movie where her friend asks her why she did not do so but all the actress replied was that she had something much more important to wish for. We do not come to know for certain what she wished for but when we see the next parts of the movie we come to certain conclusions, though we can never be sure what it was exactly. In the end the actress succumbs to cancer and as she died I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. The movie made me cry, not just once but many times not because it was bad but because each scene is so moving, so touching, many scenes are ones you can relate to and you can't help but cry.
The dialogue that made the most impression on me was on said by the actress to her mother, she is days away from her death and knows it. She asks her mom for help in arranging her funeral and tells her that she does not want a somber affair, she says and i quote-'I want to bring back the F-U-N in funeral' and lets just say that she manages to do that all right, for her funeral was a colorful, musical, fun filled affair where everyone enjoyed themselves and toasted her memory.
A truly touching movie, worth a watch and truly worth the tears.