Tuesday 8 July 2014


 Parents. The word in itself inspires soo many feeling, feelings of love, respect, awe, a tinge of fear(can't leave that out). Then why is it that it is these same people that we end up hurting the most in our lives? It never is our intention to hurt them but our words and actions still result in hurting them. Why is it that the people who love us the most, who have lived more than half their life pleasing us and making sure our lives are comfortable, the ones who never like to see us sad, will stand at our backs pushing us towards success are the ones who are treated in the worst manner, who are pushed away or left behind and made to feel unwanted. They are the people who have given up their dreams to help us achieve ours, they work day and night to satisfy our every need and what do we give them in return? To every child out there, just like me, this is something to dwell on, question ourselves, look into our life and ask ourselves have we done enough for our parents?
 I am twenty one years old and have always lived at home with my family. I never had to stay in a hostel till recently so I never had an opportunity to really understand the value of everything I had taken for granted till now. A short two month hostel stay in a completely different state should have passed by in no time at all and should have made no real change to my way of thinking. But that’s not what happened! Two months sounds easy in the beginning but once it starts you feel like its taking too long. For a person who has never been away from my family I personally found the experience to be quite enlightening.
 The empty hostel room makes you miss your sister and the fights you've had over the most insignificant things. To have to suffer through horrible mess food makes you value your mom's cooking that much more. But most of all it's the sense of loneliness that you feel, it creeps in and once it gets its claws into you its very hard to get them out. You crave to be close to your family, to be able to see them or talk to them. It is at this point that I find myself now. I sit in my room and think about my family, more specifically my parents, I remember the times I fought with my parents, shouted at them when I thought I was right, got angry at them when I thought they didn't care enough about something I had done, I recollect all those instances wherein I have felt like I was not important or that my achievements don’t make them happy. Now I see the truth, maybe I always knew it but just didn't want to accept it. I realize now that my mom and dad are the best things in my life, to be born as their daughter is my good fortune. I know now that what I first thought was all wrong, my parents do accept me the way I am, they are happy when I achieve certain things but their way of expressing it is just not always that clear and open.
 The one thing I know for sure is that yes I might still end up fighting with my parents, still shout at them, but that will not mean that they don’t care about me, now will it mean that I don’t love them. Our parents are special and we are lucky to have been graced with them in our lives, so it is our duty to love them, give them the respect they deserve and make sure that they are not pushed back and away from us in our journey forward for we will always need them and it is when they are no longer with us that we come to know their true value.
 I love you mom and dad.

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